All You Need To Know About Navel Nullification Surgery
When wearing swimsuits and knickers, belly buttons are frequently visible. Thus, someone self-conscious about their belly button’s look could feel uneasy about baring their body.
An intimate connection may be impacted by this lack of trust in oneself. Self-consciousness about your belly button can also cause you to skip out on certain occasions and activities, including tanning or swimming.
Following Pregnancy, Navel Nullification Surgery
During pregnancy, it’s normal for your belly button to alter shape. Your belly button may appear extended during pregnancy. Your belly button may appear shorter and larger than it did before the pregnancy. Occasionally, the tissue in your belly button fused together after your body healed from pregnancy, causing your belly button to stick out.
Your belly button can look more like it did before you became pregnant with the help of a navel nullification surgery. None of the other parts of your stomach will look different after the treatment, though. You’ll require additional surgeries, like a stomach tuck or liposuction, if you want to surgically remove extra skin or fat deposits brought on by pregnancy. If you decide to have a stomach tuck, your surgeon might suggest having a navel nullification surgery done concurrently.
Surgery to the stomach or abdomen should only be considered if you are certain that you won’t become pregnant again because it can reverse the effects of any cosmetic operations that have been done there.
The forms of belly buttons can also be changed; a belly button that seems horizontal can be made to appear more vertical by navel nullification surgery. After giving birth or decreasing weight, the belly button’s appearance and shape may also alter.