What is Symmastia: Causes, Treatment And Prevention
Symmastia is a condition when your breasts grow together while having little to no cleavage between them. The only thing you will find is that there is a web of skin, tissue, and fat across your cleavage area. There are multiple degrees of this condition, and at times, the lack of cleavage is not much noticeable.
Before you opt for a Symmastia repair Beverly Hills, know more about what causes it and if there is any prevention. In this specific article, you will learn more about Symmastia, its causes, treatment, and prevention.
What causes Symmastia?
It will solely depend on what type of Symmastia you have:
● Congenital Symmastia
If you are born with this kind of condition, know that it is rare, and there is no one who knows exactly what causes it.
● Acquired or iatrogenic
This is also rare but is more common than the previous one. It is considered to be a complication of breast reconstruction or augmentation surgery. It will happen when the breast implants are close together, especially if they are pretty wide for you. They are considered a higher risk if you have multiple breast reconstruction surgeries.
Before you opt for Symmastia repair Beverly Hills, know that sometimes, it results from accidental cuts during the implant process. There is no natural space between your breasts to hold an implant, so surgeons usually create a pocket for it.
They may use your own tissue from some other body part; if that doesn’t work, they can try animal tissue from a pig. The pocket can also be the same size or a little larger than the implant. If it’s pretty big and the doctor makes inappropriate cuts, the two pockets will join together to form an ample open space.
How Can This Condition be treated?
Symmastia does not cause any kind of severe health issues. You can also decide to fix it for a cosmetic reason; there are many surgeries that are there for both types that involve reattaching the skin to the breastbone to redefine the cleavage. Your surgeon might also have to create new pockets to hold implants or replace them with narrower ones.
It is possible for doctors to treat your congenital condition, but your surgeon must fix both the size and structure of your breasts.
If you desire to undergo cosmetic breast surgery, there are some steps that you and your surgeon must take to ensure this condition does not happen to you. You must discuss the size and type of implant and if it can suit your body.
Final Words
If you suffer from Symmastia and wish to undergo Symmastia repair Beverly Hills, consult your medical professional. Based on what kind of condition you are suffering from, your doctor will suggest the type of procedure you require.